Heritage.Hotel Hallstatt hotellogotyphotel logo
Public Reviews Score

"Mycket nöjd"

Baserat på 6,048 utvärderingar längs med 12 portaler
Inget offentligt namn
30-39 år
Recenserad: 7 år sedan (26/10/2017)
Datum för upplevelse: 10/2017

It’s very nice to stay in this hotel in Hallstatt with a balcony. The view is great. Would love to stay here again when I will be back to Hallstatt someday.

Av Michelle Swenson
40-49 år
Recenserad: 7 år sedan (25/10/2017)
Datum för upplevelse: 10/2017

Misleading. Our balcony was right next to someone else's room. I was hoping for a room like the picture and that is what I requested and didn't get. I was so disappointed. I would not stay here again. It was for our anniversary and it was not at all what I expected. Your hotel was a big disappointment to us. The only thing that helped was the boat around the lake with lunch. Which he was late with no apologies from you or the guy who took us.

Inget offentligt namn
30-39 år
Recenserad: 7 år sedan (25/10/2017)
Datum för upplevelse: 10/2017

The overall staying experience is OK.

Inget offentligt namn
70-79 år
Recenserad: 7 år sedan (24/10/2017)
Datum för upplevelse: 10/2017

Just wonderful! Would highly recommend this hotel.

Inget offentligt namn
30-39 år
Recenserad: 7 år sedan (24/10/2017)
Datum för upplevelse: 10/2017

Pretty good for one night.

Av Linda Nichols
60-69 år
Recenserad: 7 år sedan (24/10/2017)
Datum för upplevelse: 10/2017

Excellent experience, nice staff and great location.

Inget offentligt namn
20-29 år
Recenserad: 7 år sedan (24/10/2017)
Datum för upplevelse: 10/2017

Beautiful room! We loved the cleanliness and modern interior. It was nice to be a little bit away from the busy part of town

Av Henri
40-49 år
Recenserad: 7 år sedan (24/10/2017)
Datum för upplevelse: 10/2017

這次只有住一個晚上 有些可惜
下次造訪Hallstatt 是間還會想再來入住的飯店

Av Greg Hansen
50-59 år
Recenserad: 7 år sedan (24/10/2017)
Datum för upplevelse: 10/2017

Great stay. We had booked dinner months in advance and confirmed it. When we arrived we were told the restaurant was booked for a private function. Not very well handled.
Overall I would surely recommend.

Inget offentligt namn
30-39 år
Recenserad: 7 år sedan (23/10/2017)
Datum för upplevelse: 10/2017

This was a nice experience, but the beds were so uncomfortable, plus no one tells you about the church bells that ring at 6am even on weekends. Otherwise, it was nice.

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