Santa Chiara Boutique Hotel hotel logohotel logo
Public Reviews Score

"Very satisfied"

Based on 1,945 reviews across 11 portals
By Carsten
Reviewed: 4 weeks ago (12/02/2025)
Date of experience: 02/2025

The service in your hotel is truly superior and on a 5 star or higher level!! All members of staff were so super friendly, proactive and mindful. It really makes a difference and was much better than I experienced in many 5 star hotels before. Please keep up the good work. I will definitively recommend your hotels to anyone traveling to Napoli. Thank you!

By Verónica Alvarez
Reviewed: 2 months ago (18/01/2025)
Date of experience: 01/2025

Excelente atención de todo el personal, muy atentos y amables
La habitación muy cómoda
Excelente estadía!

By Claudia
Reviewed: 3 months ago (17/12/2024)
Date of experience: 12/2024

Super coccolati

Gentile Claudia,

Grazie per il suo voto, siamo stati davvero contenti di conoscerla e di aver lasciato un segno positivo nel suo soggiorno a Napoli, ci auguriamo di poterla ospitare nuovamente nel nostro piccolo albergo.

Lo Staff del Santa Chiara Boutique Hotel
No Public Name
Reviewed: 3 months ago (27/11/2024)
Date of experience: 11/2024

muy completo

Dear Mrs Bordas
Thanks so much for your staying with us, we appreciated so much your wonderful presence between all members of this little hotel.

We're looking forward to meeting you again.
Santa Chiara Boutique Hotel Staff
No Public Name
Reviewed: 3 months ago (26/11/2024)
Date of experience: 11/2024

Molto soddisfacente

Gentile Sig.ra Battiata,

La ringraziamo per il suo voto alto, abbiamo apprezzato davvero molto la sua presenza nel nostro piccolo albergo e ci auguriamo di poterla ospitare nuovamente al più presto.

Lo Staff del Santa Chiara Boutique Hotel
By laura
Reviewed: 4 months ago (24/11/2024)
Date of experience: 11/2024

Davvero piacevole, bella ed accogliente la struttura nella vivace Spaccanapoli molto disponibile il personale, buona la colazione. E' stata una bella vacanza!!

Gentile Laura,

Grazie per la sua recensione, siamo davvero lieti di sapere che abbiate gradito il vostro soggiorno presso la nostra struttura e ci auguriamo di avervi fatto sentire a casa; il nostro staff ha apprezzato molto la vostra compagnia, siamo fiduciosi che possiate ritornare durante la vostra prossima visita a Napoli.

Lo Staff del Santa Chiara Boutique Hotel
By Funck
Reviewed: 4 months ago (20/11/2024)
Date of experience: 11/2024

Alles gut

Dear guest,

Thanks a lot for your high rating, we'd love to host you again in our hotel.
Best regards!

Santa Chiara Boutique Hotel Staff
By Liat
Reviewed: 5 months ago (19/10/2024)
Date of experience: 10/2024

Amazing , special hotek

Dear Liat,

Thanks for your opinion, we appreciated your staying in our hotel and we hope to host you again in future!
Best regards

Santa Chiara Boutique Hotel Staff
By Lori Pellegrino
Reviewed: 5 months ago (13/10/2024)
Date of experience: 10/2024

The staff were amazing and the location was terrific. Would definitely stay again.

Dear Mrs Pellegrino,

Thanks a lot for your opinion, we appreciated your staying with us too.
All our staff is looking forward to having you here again.

Best regards
Santa Chiara Boutique Hotel Staff
By Ayman Aude
Reviewed: 5 months ago (10/10/2024)
Date of experience: 10/2024

No negatives about the staff or the room. Kind and attentive staff. Clean and comfy rooms. What else can one want.

Dear Ayman,

Thanks for your kind review, we'd like to let you know that all our staff appreciated your staying with us as well.
If you'll decide to come back to visit Naples, we'd like to host you again.

Best regards!
Santa Chiara Boutique Hotel Staff
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